About the Protocol


Ucon.social has emerged as a revolutionary force in the field of social networking, aiming to define the way users interact through a decentralized, secure, and rewarding platform with unique trade mining mechanism.

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Why choose us

  • Vision

    Technology-Centric, User-Focused: With technology as our backbone and users as our core, we envision a future where unparalleled experiences and value creation define our service. Our commitment lies in offering top-notch service while prioritizing user needs and expectations.

  • Mission

    Pioneering Decentralized Empowerment: Our mission is to establish a novel decentralized social network that champions user freedom, privacy, safety, and intrinsic value. This endeavor seeks to set a new benchmark in social networking, emphasizing user-centricity and empowerment.

Trade Mining

Ucon provide a comprehensive Mining package that equips users with the tools and resources to maximize their investment in mining operations. Ucon ensures efficient and profitable mining processes.

Ucon socialfi

Experience a revitalizing sense of being reborn in a fairer and more valuable Ucons social environment.​

  • UCON: Ucon serves as a multifunctional platform, fostering trust and collaboration through community and team contributions.
  • U-tel: Offers a secure OTT system, integrating NFT numbers and providing global connectivity with language translation.
  • UCom: Decentralized social network connects communities and fosters cross-platform interactions for individuals, locations, small businesses, and potential customers.
  • UPay: Format facilitates payments, converting Ucon and other cryptocurrencies to fiat currency for location services or withdrawals.
  • Ushop: Proactive shop system simplifies product listing, with an Airdrop Platform and tools for community management and outreach.
  • Ugame: The app features Vietlot game with daily and weekly prizes for players

UCON token

The total supply of tokens is 21 billion, allocated as follows:

  • 65% for Mining: To encourage decentralized mining through free mining nodes.
  • 10% for Planned Sales: Reserved for strategic sales of the token.
  • 5% for Community Rewards and Commissions: To reward community participation.
  • 5% for Coin Listing: To cover costs of listing the coin on platforms.
  • 5% for Media, Training, and Marketing: For promotional and educational efforts.
  • 3% for Airdrops, Bounties, and Community Tasks: To engage and reward the community.
  • 2% for Advisory Team and Collaborative Partners: For compensating advisors and partners.
  • 5% for Development Team and Administration: To support ongoing development and management.




Small Business

25.000 hz

10.000 USDT

Divide profits from total revenue by WEEK.
1.5% weekly revenue share for corporate package.
User checking in at your location gets 20% increase in mining wattage. You then get 2% of token mined by that user.
Maximum daily scans: 100/24h.
Unlimited sales.

Industry Package

62.500 hz

20.000 USDT

Divide profits from total revenue by MONTH.
2% monthly revenue share for corporate package.
User checking in at your location gets 30% increase in mining wattage. You then get 2.5% of token mined by that user.
Maximum daily scans: 200/24h.
Only selling 100 Nodes/year.

Mega Package

187.500 hz

50.000 USDT

Divide profits from total revenue by MONTH.
3% monthly revenue share for corporate package.
User checking in at your location gets 40% increase in mining wattage. You then get 3% of token mined by that user.
Maximum daily scans: 500/24h.
Only selling 50 Nodes/year.


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    January 23, 2022

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    January 23, 2022

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    January 23, 2022

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    January 23, 2022

Core Team

  • Danila Chernov
    With a three-year tenure as Co-Founder and CBDO at Ambassador-Agency, three years in Investor Relations at Cryterium and two years as Global Ambassador Team Leader and Global BD Team Leader at LATOKEN. In addition, Danila was a Senior Business Strategy Consultant at Management Consulting for one year. Danila's comprehensive background positions him as a strategic leader capable of steering the company towards success in the blockchain space.
  • Rodrigo Corchado Resmella
    It boasts extensive expertise in blockchain technology. With the experience gained over a year at FIFAECO and another corporate position, along with the role of Business Development Specialist at Coinstore. Rodrigo has proven spearhead efforts in promoting technological innovation and implementing strategic initiatives that align with the goals of businesses in the blockchain sector.
  • Antonnie Anouilh
    After spending a year as a Business Development Specialist at FIFAECO2022 and another year as a Business Analyst at Cosmic Games, Antoni has gained extensive insights into the complexities of the blockchain industry. His development and understanding landscape make him an invaluable resource for advancing our initiatives and navigating the complexities of this rapidly growing industry.

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